Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let's Get Published! Young American Comics Part 1

I was compiling a list of publishing requirements from various companies (Image, Marvel, Dark Horse, DC) when I found this.

Thanks to Comic Foundry Magazine's blog.

Apparently Young American Comics is inviting all creators to submit material for a themed anthology. Excellent!

My goal is to get published, this just makes sense for me. I had an outline drawn up already for a story that fits the theme of the anthology (small town/big city) and, after contacting an artist friend of mine, I'm now working on making the story work 2 - 8 pages.

My first thought is that it's going to be 8 pages. Since my outline is for 22, that's condensing quite a bit, but I think it's entirely possible if I strip out a few things. I'm hoping to have the story fit into less pages, as I think I'd have a better shot at getting accepted, but 8 is my goal.

I'll keep this space updated.

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